What Cinderella Has Taught Me

"No Matter How Your Heart is Grieving, if You Keep on Believing, 
the dream that You Wish will Come True."

All of my life Cinderella was my favorite princess. Not only because we shared the same favorite color (blue, of course), the magical footwear or glorious ballgown, but because of her inner strength, optimistic attitude and humility. Despite the struggles she faced regarding a destructive stepmother and stepsisters, she remained kind-hearted and good. 
She never gave up, and in the end she was rewarded with a Happily Ever After.

I find that I face similar battles here in Los Angeles, as I pursue an acting career. There have been many times where I have felt hopeless, after being rejected after a series of auditions that haven't gone according to plan, or even adapting to the fast paced lifestyle that Southern California often requires. But, with a lot of faith, persitance and keeping my eyes focused on my dream, I have succeeded in ways I never thought were possible! My most recent adventure is going to be in Osaka, Japan, where I will be "friends with" Marilyn Monroe and Princess Fiona(from Shrek) at Universal Studios! 

I wrote a blog post about my experience and have pasted it below: 

"To Those..."
who feel discouraged today.
I am here to tell you that you are not alone.
two months ago, i was at one of the lowest points in my life.
I felt afraid, judged, and out of my element in both social and professional environments.
I didn’t know what I wanted to do, or be in the upcoming year, and knowing that
my 25th birthday was just around the corner TERRIFIED me.
I guess you could say that i was... having a quarter life crisis.
this feeling of self doubt was caused by a numerous amount of events
that had made me reach a moment that resulted in a heavy heart full
of dread.
I thought:
“am I good enough to pursue this crazy career?”
“is this all a silly dream I’ve made up?”
“Is this REALLY what I’m meant to do?”
and these thoughts CONSUMED me.
I worried that maybe I wasn’t as talented as I used to be,
or had tragically missed my shot at being successful.
and after telling myself this for an amount of time, I began to believe it.
UNTIL: one day: i grew TIRED of being so hard on myself,
exhausted of feeling lethargic or worried about my progress:
and instead I began to JOURNAL. and write down all of the GOOD
things I experienced in a day, or was looking forward to experiencing later on.
and after I did this, my world changed DRAMATICALLY.
I kid you not.
the day I wrote down that I wanted to be in theater again,
and follow my dreams regarding the stage:
I received TWO messages/phone calls asking me to be in a production
of HairSpray the Musical
and to be a part of a Original Cast Recording Album for another musical!
The blessings kept on coming, as I continued to have an Attitude of Gratitude,
rather than one of self-deprecation.
After writing three pages every day, I would have a “HighLights” Page,
where I would write down even the smallest thing that made me smile:
“saw a hummingbird today”
“drank a really good latte”
“saw an old friend of mine at an audition”
and I started to see all of the beauty- rather than the negative.
as some of you may know,
I auditioned for Universal Studios Japan four months ago
and it was third year in a row trying to get this job.
It was a very lengthy process, including photos, a monologue, a dance routine, measurements, and an in-depth interview.
And after all of this, I felt happy to have been given such an opportunity to be considered!
They told me that I would hear by early December, so after the first weeks rolled by of the month,
I began to think that I was no longer in the running/
But then:
Five days ago, I was on my laptop, and I felt a strong desire to look up the
current auditions at Universal Studios Hollywood.
But, to my disappointment, I
saw that there was nothing listed.
Five minutes later, I checked my email, and saw an email titled:
*Universal Japan Contract Offer!*
I wasn’t expecting it AT ALL, and was so surprised!
It has always been a dream of mine to travel,
and perform in Japan,
and now, i was being given am offer
to portray some of my favorite characters/people EVER.
I immediately felt overwhelmed with happiness.
Two months before this,
I was doubting my choice to follow this career,
due to the insecurities and doubts I was feeling/
but, after receiving such news, I knew that I was in the right place.
It just took perseverance and PATIENCE.
If you feel discouraged, worried or frightened about your future,
know that you are NOT ALONE.
I have been there SO many times.
Believe me when I say, that hard work, determination and a passion in your heart
will lead you to the right opportunity.
Don’t give up, ALWAYS remember to be thankful for the little things,
and CELEBRATE all of the unique qualities that only YOU possess.
You may never know when an amazing chance of lifetime will come your way!

Having Cinderella's story in my heart from the time I was a child really helped me always believe in working hard. never giving up and believing in Happy Endings. I am so grateful for her, and the hope her lessons bring to all who hear the tale!


Monica Ricketts
INSTAGRAM: @monicadanae
website: www.monicaricketts.com


  1. Hi Monica. Just read your blog and I think it's really good. I also follow you on Instagram and love your pics. I have a blog too called https://dramasportslifeandwriting.wordpress.com/. I'll keep a look out for any other blogs you do. Keep up the good work and good outfits you always wear. No matter what one you wear, you look amazing!


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